Sunday, April 12, 2009


In today's society, there is a frenzy of activity. It is difficult to find anything original amidst the noise of the pop culture. Television drowns out most people's awareness completely.

Everyone should seek creative ventures beyond what is presented to them, or more aptly, forced on them. Look behind the louder, more advertised, more popular music, movies, and fiction. There is a huge, wide-open world of groundbreaking thought, research, and development. Find something new and share it.

Today is Easter, the day Jesus rose from death. You may find yourself in a rut, passing the days in a bland stupor. But as Jesus was resurrected, so can our spirit find renewal. Search for something interesting. Open your eyes and find something greater than yourself - something to inspire you.

Try something new. Look at things from a different angle. Let yourself be free.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We deserve the Truth

The world is full of intelligent men and women. We all have the capacity to adapt to almost any harsh environment or difficult situation. However, when people's regular input consists mostly of controlled media, their senses and intellect are deadened. Those that eventually escape the myths and conclusions of the lying establishment are isolated and harrassed.

With new forms of communication, people are starting to take back their minds and souls. We are able to better discover our own beliefs, through networking and internet's myriad pathways. Knowing what is truth from these sources can be difficult. What truths aren't completely hidden by the plutocratic media are distorted or destroyed by the establishment's far-reaching influence.

How many ideas and actions have been lost to history? How much truth has been crushed under the bootheel of runaway tyranny? How many brilliant scientific breakthroughs have been buried forever?

How many whistleblowers have been slandered and ruined while we stand by? How many witnesses have been bribed, threatened, or killed prior to giving testimony? How many in the JFK case alone?

As more information leaks through the filters of the oppressor's loosening grip, more fearsome and forceful tactics emerge. The Constitution has been attacked repeatedly, and some of our most basic freedoms are almost gone. The world has not changed so much. The rich still control the wealth and structures of their capitalist/communist/fascist system; the poor are still the downtrodden wage-slaves.

But we have an opening. With the rise of unrest against unfair governmental policies, such as the bailouts and the Patriot Act, more people take a stand. As the internet and independent journalism pries open doors long shut, more people become aware. More patriots are stepping up. Leaders such as Ron Paul and the Libertarians are speaking the truth, getting arrested, and beaten on our behalf. Let us not hold back and wait, fearful, while the poison and lies are heaped up in our bodies and minds. Take a stand.

Demand answers!

Watch some documentaries, like Hacking Democracy, Who Killed the Electric Car, The Corporation, Life Against Debt, Manufacturing Consent. See if you can dispute the film's conclusions. Do we have a legitimate election system? Does the corporate media make up our minds for us? Do the oil companies hide and attack scientific advances? Dig a little deeper... find your own answers.

How do you explain chemtrails? Almost every day I look up and see the lines of chemtrails. They begin as white lines, the emission of a jet. Then, slowly, they spread, and feather out. Over the next couple hours, the sky becomes completely overcast! Jets spray these purposely, for "weather control." Some in the government admit it openly. Some deny it, claiming they are simply contrails. Obviously these are not contrails. Contrails dissipate within a couple minutes, depending on the temperature. I never saw chemtrails like these a decade ago.

I called the governor's office to demand an explanation and action. The man that answered the phone explained to me that those are contrails. I made my case for why they were not contrails, demonstrating that I'm not the average, mislead American. I got a little upset when he tried to pass me off to other agencies of the government. Besides getting my name and info for whatever database they were creating, he completely disregarded my complaint, but at least I aggrevated him a little bit. I tried to jar him out of his complacent position of just following orders.

We must all do this - our part. We can plant the seeds of doubt, of truth. Some seeds will eventually sprout, and lead to more open minds.

Many people won't listen to words. They have to experience it for themselves. But their understanding will be facilitated by being prepared. A preacher fulfils this function - preparing people for truth. So do dissidents, with open-minded discussions. One day, when they see and feel it for themselves, they will remember, and they will believe.