You hear the word "deficit" on the news a lot when "journalists" talk about spending. The deficit is the amount we are in the red, per year. It has increased a great deal in the recent past, so we should talk about it. However, what's even more important is the overall federal debt. This is the total amount we owe. Take a look online for the federal debt. The numbers are shocking. Keep in mind that the government is probably using Enron-style accounting, as well.
These statistics alone indicate that any recovery from this "recession" will be temporary. It may get much worse at any moment. How did it get to this point? Is this a result of the worst planning of all time, or purposeful treason?
What happens when a republic's government falls? Take a look at Rome or Germany and you will have the answer. It is ugly - rampant debt leads to the collapse of the nation's money. All your savings would be made worth nothing overnight. Remember the images of people carting around wheelbarrows full of cash to pay for milk? Worse, tyranny takes hold. As the elegant, persuasive government fails, force becomes all that people will listen to.
This debt issue trumps all other serious political issues. If we don't stand together and make Congress do something, this nation and our Constitution that our forefathers fought so hard for may soon be lost. Do what you can before it's too late.